Saturday, May 22, 2010

Media Studies...Happy Victoria Day!

Enjoy your long weekend! It looks like it will be a good one.
Friday we looked at some information on Movie Assignment: A movie review of a family movie...due June 1st. Refer to the handouts for important informaion, and devise some sort of rating scale. Be sure to include the movie's rating. Please email it to me...I will be sending the reviews to the Island Times for upcoming issues. (be sure to include your name on the article!)
Guidelines for final project went out Friday...PROPOSALS due Friday, May 28th, PROJECT due Thursday, JUNE 10th. You will be given some class time to work on them, but a good chun will have to be done outside of class. IF you are opting to do the final exam instead of the project, remember, you still have to give me a proposal, too..what questions will you have on your exam?