Monday, December 17, 2012

Merry Christmas Week!!

Lots going on this week in Family Dynamics!

Monday; Assigned Independent Living Tic Tac Toe stations (complete any 4). Make sure you ahve the four work sheets before the break.
BONUS ASSIGNMENT: Bring a typed recipe...easy to prepare, meal or dessert that would be useful when you move out on your own. be sure your name si on it!!
Tuesday: Brittany has invited Cst Joe Roy to our class. Be prepared with questions about his career, schooling. etc
(any extra time: Tic Tac Toe)

Wednesday: POTLUCK LUNCH!!!!
Bring in a favorite dish to share with the class...casseroles, desserts, salads...
I will bring drinks and napkins/plates/utensils.
Anything that needs to be heated up, please bring to the guidance office at 12 noon SHARP!!!
Merry Christmas!
(Let me know if it just isn't possible for you to bring in anything...we don't want this to be an extra stressor, so don't worry, if you can't!)
IF you want to bring a Secret Santa/Yankee Swap item, bring it along...$5 wrapped item...we'll swap after we eat; then continue on Tic Tac Toe stations.

Thursday: Marena nd Twyla have invited Hallie to be our guest. Be prepared with questions about nursing, nurse-practitioner, sexual health, anything at all!

Friday: Continue working on Tic Tac Toe or Change THe World project.

I have to be away for Dalton's IWK appointments January 9-10. I will leave word with a supply teacher for you to keep working on teh stations, and on the project.
BOTH ARE DUE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16...presenting projects on Thursday/Friday that week
(and review sheet for exam).