Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday, September 10th

Rain, Rain, go away!
Guess we'll have class afterall today; picnic has been postponed until NEXT Friday.
Yesterday, we started our Vision Boards. These will be due on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th.
Part 1: 1/2 sheet Bristol board
Part 2: questions on BACK of bristol board.

Remember I told you I would occassionally be putting a random bonus question on teh blog, just to see who is checking in? Well, here it is!
*Bonus: Name one famous person; celebrity, sports figure, historical figure, etc, who you felt had a sense of VISION in their lives. What makes you say this? Explain. (1-2 paragraphs)

Today, we also reviewed Volunteers in our community, and how you can get your 5 hours by January.