Monday, April 11, 2011

Photo Journalism ARTICLE Due Apr 26

Choose a topic of interest to you, relative to life on Grand Manan. This could be at school, in the community, at home…your choice.

Ex. Drama Dinner Theater/Festival; Basketball Provincials; Youth Group; Jobs for Teens; Places to See; etc.
Write a 150-200 word news article about the topic or event.
Take a photo to go along with your article, remembering all the points of a good photo, and the Rule of Thirds.
**Article and photo may be made up or real; factual or created.

DUE: Tuesday, April 26th
Decide on a topic (of interest to teens)

Take 5 photos to go with your article
Choose ONE photo to go in the article final copy- cropped and edited as needed
Caption for photo (see guidelines)
Brainstorm list of ideas
Draft copy of article
Story typed AROUND article
Headline (effective title)
On time! Email to Mrs. B by TUESDAY!!
(all photos, and final article as it would appear in a newspaper)