Thursday, March 07, 2013

March update!

My apologies, class! I thought I had been updating your work on here more than this...but I have been posting most things on Engrade, and will be marking assignments over the break, so check that once in awhile.
The two main things we have on the go right now:
~review for a quiz on TUESDAY, March 12th. (Review sheets were given out before break, make sure you pick it up on Monday)
~Cookie Craze: We made our cookies in groups, and were supposed to be selling them before break. With two storm days, I froze everyone's cookies, and will take them out on Sunday for selling on prepared! Whatever you need to be doing to advertise/promote your group's baking, make sure your group is working together on Monday.
~oops, there are three things!   INTERVIEW a local have the guidelines, and need to be getting your photos ready...Wed/Thur we will work on the Prezis, Powerpoints or Storyboards in the Access Center. Don't forget, this major project is due THURSDAY, MARCH 14, with presentations being shared with the class.